黄建珍(1974.08-),女,汉族,江西新干人,博士,教授,博士生导师。基础兽医学科带头人、南昌市动物生理生化重点实验室主任、江西农业大学“动物生理生化与代谢整合生物学”青年创新团队负责人。美国IOWA州立大学、清华大学访问学者;中国畜牧兽医学会动物生理生化学分会理事、江西省动物学会理事、中国畜牧兽医学会高级会员。主要从事《动物生物化学》、《现代动物生物化学》、《动物蛋白质组学》、《生物化学实验技术》等课程的教学工作;围绕动物脂肪沉积、脂质代谢紊乱及其营养表观遗传调控进行相关科学研究。先后主持及参与国家级、省厅级项目10余项,其中主持国家自然科学基金2项。并在EJCB、Poultry Science、Steroids、Lipids、BMC genomics等杂志发表SCI论文10余篇;在中国兽医学报、畜牧兽医学报、江西农业大学学报等中文核心期刊发表论文30余篇;获得国家实用新型发明专利3项。
2016/03 -2017/03,IOWA State University, molecular Genetics; Professor Christopher K, Tuggle(国外访学)
2014/06 -2015/06,清华大学,生命科学院脂代谢生物学,李蓬(院士)(国内访学)
2005/09 -2008/06,南京农业大学,基础兽医学(动物生物化学),博士
2002/09 -2005/06,江西农业大学,基础兽医学(动物生物化学),硕士
1995/09 -1999/06,江西农业大学,动物医学,学士
2018/11 -至今,江西农业大学,动物科技学院,教授
2016/03 -2017/03,IOWA State University,国外访学
2011/10 -2018/11,江西农业大学,动物科技学院,副教授
2014/06 -2015/06,清华大学,生命科学院,国内访学
2005/09- 2011/09,江西农业大学,动物科技学院,讲师
2003/03 -2004/05,上海农科院,畜牧兽医研究所,基因工程
1999/07 -2005/08,江西农业大学,动物科技学院,助教
(1)Zhu Y L#, Zeng Q J, Li F, Fang H S, Zhou Z M, Jiang T, Yin C, Wei Q, Wang Y J, Ruan J M* and Huang J Z*. Dysregulated H3K27 acetylation is implicated in fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome in chickens[J]. Frontier in Genetics. 2020; 11: 574167.
(2)Zhu Yaling#; Mao Huirong#; Peng Gang; Zeng Qingjie; Ruan Jiming* and Huang Jianzhen*. Effect of JAK-STAT pathway in regulation of fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome in chickens[J]. Anim Biosci. 2021 Jan;34(1):143-153.
(3)Peng Gang#; Huang Enfu#; Ruan Jiming; Huang Liumei; Liang Haiping; Wei Qing; Xie Xianhua; Zeng Qingjie* and Huang Jianzhen*. Effects of a high energy and low protein diet on hepatic and plasma characteristics and Cidea and Cidec mRNA expression in liver and adipose tissue of laying hens with fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome[J]. Animal Science Journal, 2019.2; 90(2):247-254.
(4)Luo Chengting#; Lv Na; Chang Zai; Qu Qiannuo; Huang Jianzhen*. Adipose angiotensin II type 1 receptor-associated protein ameliorates metabolic disorders via promoting adipose tissue adipogenesis and browning[J]. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY, 2017.9, 96(6): 567~578.
(5)Huang Jianzhen#; Huang Liumei#; Zeng Qingjie; Huang Enfu; Liang Haiping; Wei Qing; Xie Xianhua; Ruan Jiming*. Distribution and quantitative analysis of CIDEa and CIDEc in broiler chickens: accounting for differential fat deposition between strains[J]. British Poultry Science, 2017.12.20, 60(1).
(6)Yang Fei#; Ruan Jiming#; Wang Tiancheng; Luo Junrong; Cao Huabin; Song Yalu; Huang Jianzhen*; Hu Guoliang*. Improving effect of dietary soybean phospholipids supplement on hepatic and serum indexes relevant to fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome in laying hens[J]. Animal Science Journal, 2017.11, 8 8(11): 1860~1869.
(7)Song Yalu#; Ruan Jiming#; Luo Junrong; Wang Tiancheng; Yang Fei; Cao Huabin; Huang Jianzhen*; Hu Guoliang*. IMMUNOLOGY, HEALTH, AND DISEASE Abnormal histopathology, fat percent and hepatic apolipoprotein A I and apolipoprotein B-100 mRNA expression in fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome and their improvement by soybean lecithin[J]. POULTRY SCIENCE, 2017.10, 96(10): 3559~3563.
(8)Huang Jianzhen#; Ruan Jiming; Tang Xue; Zhang Wei; Ma Haitian*; Zou Sixiang, Comparative proteomics and phosphoproteomics analyses of DHEA-induced on hepatic lipid metabolism in broiler chickens[J]. STEROIDS, 2011. 12.20, 76(14): 1566~1574.
(9)Huang Jianzhen#; Ma Haitian; Yang Liming.; Zou Sixiang*. Developmental changes of protein profiles in the embryonic sanhuang chicken liver[J]. JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES A-PHYSIOLOGY PATHOLOGY CLINICAL MEDICINE, 2007.11, 54(9): 464~469.
(10)Huang Jianzhen#; Tang Xue; Ruan Jiming; Ma Haitian*; Zou Sixiang. Use of Comparative Proteomics to Identify Key Proteins Related to Hepatic Lipid Metabolism in Broiler Chickens: Evidence Accounting for Differential Fat Deposition Between Strains[J]. LIPIDS, 2010.1, 45(1): 81~89.
(11)Zhang F#, Hu K#, Huang, J, Tan, Z, Ruan, J*. Effects of two kinds of fishery drugs on the expressions of GAD and GABA-T mRNA in crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) [J]. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2020, 46:1965–1973.
(12)Chen, Juan#; Huang, Jianzhen; Deng, Jun; Ma, Haitian*; Zou, Sixiang, Use of comparative proteomics to identify the effects of creatine pyruvate on lipid and protein metabolism in broiler chickens[J]. VETERINARY JOURNAL, 2012.8, 193(2 ): 514~521.
(13)Chen Suhua#, Cao Minjie, Huang Jianzhen, Wu Guoping*. Identification of a puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase from zebrafish (Danio rerio). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. 2011, 159(1):10-17.
(14)Beiki Hamid#, Liu Haibo, Huang Jianzhen, Manchanda, Nonneman, Smith, Reecy and C. Tuggle Christopher*.Improved annotation of the domestic pig genome through integration of Iso-Seq and RNA-seq data[J]. BMC Genomics. 2019 May 7;20(1):344.
(15)王玉洁#,刘佳#,魏庆,刘佳婷,茹萌,彭刚,曾庆节,谢贤华,殷超,黄建珍*,梁海平*. 高能低蛋白诱导的脂肪肝出血综合征(FLHS)蛋鸡脂肪组织代谢差异的比较(Comparison of adipose tissue metabolism differences in fatty liver hemorrhage syndrome(FLHS) hens induced by high energy and low protein diet.)[J].中国兽医学报(Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science),2020,10,40(10):2061-2065 (A类学报)
(16)曾文惠#,曾庆节,殷超,杨小璇,王玉洁,茹盟,刘佳婷,谢贤华,梁海平,魏庆,黄建珍*.蛋鸡脂肪肝出血综合征及其分子机制的研究进展(Research progress on fatty liver hemorrhage syndrome and its molecular mechanism in laying hens)[J].中国兽医学报(Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science),2021, (A类学报)
(17)黄恩福#,黄柳梅,阮记明,张帆帆,梁海平,黄建珍*. 肠道菌群与中草药有效成分代谢的相互影响的研究进展(Advance of the interaction on intestinal flora and metabolism of the effective in gredients in Chinese herbal medicine)[J].中国兽医学报(Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science),2016,9,36(9):1619-1623 (A类学报)
(18)黄柳梅#,阮记明,梁海平,魏庆,王自蕊,黄恩福,黄建珍*. 牛隐孢子虫病研究进展(Advance of Bovine Cryptosporidiosis)[J].中国兽医学报(Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science),2015,8,35(8):1387-1391 (A类学报)
(19)彭棋#,阮记明,黄冬艳,王自蕊,黄柳梅,熊平文,黄建珍*. 大豆球蛋白提取条件优化及 7S和 11S 亚基的鉴定(Optimization of the Conditions for Soybean Glycinin Extraction and Analysis of 7S and 11S in Soybean Protein)[J]. 江西农业大学学报(Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis),2014,36(5):1139 -1144 (CSCD 中文核心期刊)
(20)黄建珍#,唐雪,阮记明,马海田,邹思湘*. 肉种鸡饲养方式对子代胚肝蛋白表达谱的影响(Effect of Maternal Rearing on the Proteins Profiles of Liver in offspring Broiler during Embryonic Development)[J]. 畜牧兽医学报(Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica),2009,40(6):855 -861 (A类学报)
(21)Huang Jianzhen#, YU Ruisong, SHEN Qiugu, LI Xiangrui, LI Zhen*. Study on renaturation of recombinant bovine interleukin-2 expressed in Escherichia coli[J]. Acta Agriculturae Shanghai, 2006 ,22 (4) : 27 - 32 (CSCD 中文核心期刊)
1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目:高能低蛋白日粮诱导的蛋鸡脂肪肝出血综合征表观遗传机制研究(31960690),2020/01-2023/12,46万,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金地区项目:蛋鸡脂肪肝出血综合征肝脏差异蛋白质组学研究(31460648),2015/01-2018/12,48万,已结题,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:IRX3对猪骨骼肌卫星细胞增殖和分化的作用及其机理研究(31702201),2018/01-2020/12,25万,在研,第二
4. 国家自然科学基金地区项目:黄嘌呤氧化酶与高钙日粮和肾型传支致鸡痛风的关系研究(31260627),2013/01-2016/12,48万,已结题,第二
5. 江西省自然科学基金项目:蛋鸡脂肪肝出血综合征(FLHS)疾病标志蛋白的筛选(20114BAB204003),2011/01-2013/12,已结题,主持
6. 江西省自然科学基金项目:蛋鸡脂肪肝出血综合征靶蛋白的筛选及鉴定(GJJ10102),2010/01-2011/12,已结题,主持
7. 江西省科技支持计划项目:鱼类大脑组织在水产禁用药物检测中的应用研究(20151BBF60056),2016/01-2019/12,已结题,第二
8. 江西省科技支持计划项目:江西集约化养殖仔猪腹泻产肠毒素大肠杆菌耐药传播机制研究(20142BBF60004),2015/01-2018/12,已结题,骨干参与
9. 江西省自然科学基金项目:Ghrelin对离体鸡肝细胞功能的调控及其机理研究(2008GQN0032),2009/01-2011/12,已结题,骨干参与