胡晓龙(1989.04-),男,汉族,河南驻马店人,博士,副教授。主要以野生动物(涉及鹿、麝、蛇等)为研究对象,探究宿主环境适应的微生物调节机制。主持和参与了国家自然科学基金、中央财政林业推广示范项目、江西省自然科学基金、江西省教育厅科技项目等多项研究项目,并主持一项江西农业大学教学改革项目。在国内外知名学术期刊发表论文20余篇,其中以一作或通讯在Applied and Environmental Microbiology、Microbiology Spectrum、Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology等期刊发表SCI论文数篇。获得第二届林浩然动物科学技术奖二等奖。E-mail: huxiaolong@jxau.edu.cn。
2022.12- 至今,江西农业大学,动物科学技术学院,副教授
[1] Hu Xiaolong*, Wei Yuting, Zhang Tianxiang, Wang Xiaoguo, Xu Yongtao, Zhang Weiwei, Zheng Yunlin*. Gastrointestinal biogeography of luminal microbiota and short-chain fatty acids in sika deer (Cervus nippon). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2022, 88: 00499-22.
[2] Wu Kangqi, Xu Yongtao, Zhang Weiwei, Mao Huirong, Chen Biao, Zheng Yunlin, Hu Xiaolong*. Differences in fecal microbiome and antimicrobial resistance between captive and free-range sika deer under the same exposure of antibiotic anthelmintics. Microbiology Spectrum, 2021, 9: e01918-21.
[3] Hu Xiaolong, Xu Yongtao, Liu Gang, Hu Defu, Wang Yihua, Zhang Weiwei*, Zheng Yunlin*. The impact of anthelmintic treatment on gut bacterial and fungal communities in diagnosed parasite-free sika deer Cervus nippon. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020, 104: 9239-9250.
[4] Hu Xiaolong#*, Liu Gang #, Li Yimeng, Wei Yuting, Lin Shaobi, Liu Shuqiang, Zheng Yunlin*, Hu Defu*. High-throughput analysis reveals seasonal variation of the gut microbiota composition within forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii). Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9: 1674.
[5] Hu Xiaolong#, Liu Gang#, Wei Yuting, Wang Yihua, Zhang Tianxiang, Yang Shuang, Hu Defu*, Liu Shuqiang*. Regional and seasonal effects on the gastrointestinal parasitism of captive forest musk deer. Acta Tropica, 2018, 177: 1-8.
[1] 国家自然科学基金地区项目,32160257,基于多组学解析肠道菌群在冬眠背景的蛇类脂肪代谢中的作用机制:以滑鼠蛇为例 ,2022.01-2025.12,主持
[2] 江西省自然科学基金青年项目,20202BABL213048,基于冬眠背景的滑鼠蛇肠道菌群与脂肪代谢相关性的研究,2020.01-2022.12,主持
[3] 江西省教育厅科学技术研究青年项目,GJJ180228,饲粮中添加纳米硒对圈养梅花鹿肠道菌群的影响研究,2019.01-2021.12,主持
[4] 江西农业大学教学改革研究课题,2021B2ZZ13,多样化翻转课堂模式在《特种经济动物学》 教学中的探索与实践,2021.10-2023.10,主持
[5] 国家自然科学基金地区项目,31960118,基于高通量测序的桃红岭梅花鹿和小麂食物组成及种间竞争研究,2020.01-2023.12,参与
[6] 中央财政林业推广示范资金项目,2019072,黄喉噪鹛救护繁育示范,2020.01-2022.12,参与