张志燕,江西农大动物遗传育种与繁殖专业, 博士,副研究员。比利时列日大学兽医学院数量遗传学博士, 师从黄路生教授和Michel Georges 教授。主要从事家猪复杂经济性状及抗病性状的 QTL 定位、精细定位研究、基于单倍型的线性混合模型的全基因组关联分析算法和应用及利用已有的高密度基因型个体作为参考群体, 推断出低密度基因型个体所有基因型方法(imputation)及其在关联分析和基因组选择育种方面的研究。近年来主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,以科研骨干参与5项。共发表SCI文章60余篇,其中第一或通讯(共同第一)作者文章15篇,获发明专利三项。
2008/11–2013/11,University of Liege,数量遗传学,博士,导师:黄路生 & Michel Georges
1).Guorong Yan, Tianfu Guo, Shijun Xiao, Feng Zhang, Wenshui Xin, Tao Huang, Yiping Li, Wenwu Xu, Lusheng Huang, Zhiyan Zhang, Imputation-Based Whole-Genome Sequence Association Study Reveals Constant and Novel Loci for Hematological Traits in a Large-Scale Swine F2 Resource Population Frontiers in Genetics, 2018, 9(401): 1-12.
2).Xu Wenwu, Chen Dong, Yan Guorong, Xiao Shijun, Huang Tao, Zhang Zhiyan*; Huang Lusheng*, Rediscover and Refine QTLs for Pig Scrotal Hernia by Increasing a Specially Designed F-3 Population and Using Whole-Genome Sequence Imputation Technology, Frontiers in Genetics, 2019, 10: 0-890.
3).Zhang Z., Guillaume F., Sartelet A., Charlier C., Georges M., Farnir F., Druet T., Ancestral haplotype-based association mapping with generalized linear mixed models accounting for stratification, Bioinformatics. 28 (2012) 2467-2473.(IF=5.323)
4).He Yuna#, Li Xinjian#, Zhang Feng, Su Ying, Hou Lijuan, Chen Hao, Zhang Zhiyan*, Huang Lusheng*, Multi-breed genome-wide association study reveals novel loci associated with the weight of internal organs, Genet Sel Evol, 2015, 47:87-87
5).Yan Guorong, Qiao Ruimin, Zhang Feng, Xin Wenshui, Xiao Shijun, Huang Tao, Zhang Zhiyan*, Huang Lusheng, Imputation-Based Whole-Genome Sequence Association Study Rediscovered the Missing QTL for Lumbar Number in Sutai Pigs, Scientific Reports, 2017,7
6).Zhang Z., Hong Y., Gao J., Xiao S., Ma J., Zhang W., Ren J., Huang L., Genome-wide association study reveals constant and specific loci for hematological traits at three time stages in a White Duroc x Erhualian F2 resource population, PLoS One. 8 (2013) e63665.(IF=3.73)
7).Zhang Z., Druet T., Marker imputation with low-density marker panels in Dutch Holstein cattle, J Dairy Sci. 93 (2010) 5487-5494. (IF=2.566)
8).Zhang Z.Y., Ren J., Ren D.R., Ma J.W., Guo Y.M., Huang L.S., Mapping quantitative trait loci for feed consumption and feeding behaviors in a White Duroc x Chinese Erhualian resource population, J Anim Sci. 87 (2009) 3458-3463. (IF=2.093,农林科学类2区)
9).Zhang, Feng*; Zhang, Zhiyan*; Yan, Xueming; Chen, Hao; Zhang, Wanchang; Hong, Yuan; Huang, Lusheng,Genome-wide association studies for hematological traits in Chinese Sutai pigs,BMC Genetics,(2014),1471-2156
10).Wenshui Xin; Xinjian Li; Feng Zhang; Guorong Yan; Nengshui Ding; Lusheng Huang; Zhiyan Zhang,A multi-population survey on swine feeding behavior with electronic feeding devices,Archives of Animal Breeding,(2016),445-452
11).Zhao, Xueyan; Zhao, Kewei; Ren, Jun; Zhang, Feng; Jiang, Chao; Hong, Yuan; Jiang, Kai; Yang, Qiang; Wang, Chengbin; Ding, Nengshui; Huang, Lusheng; Zhang, Zhiyan#; Xing, Yuyun#,An imputation-based genome-wide association study on traits related to male reproduction in a White DurocxErhualian F-2 population,Animal Science Journal,(2016),646-654
12).Ji, Jiuxiu; Yan, Guorong; Chen, Dong; Xiao, Shijun; Gao, Jun#; Zhang, Zhiyan#,An association study using imputed whole-genome sequence data identifies novel significant loci for growth-related traits in a Duroc x Erhualian F2 population,Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics,(2019),217-228
13).Xin W S; Zhang F; Yan G R; Xu W W; Xiao S J; Zhang Z Y#; Huang L S#,A whole genome sequence association study for puberty in a large DurocxErhualian F2 population,Animal Genetics,(2018),29-35
14).Durkin K., Coppieters W., Drogemuller C., Ahariz N., Cambisano N., Druet T., Fasquelle C., Haile A., Horin P., Huang L., Kamatani Y., Karim L., Lathrop M., Moser S., Oldenbroek K., Rieder S., Sartelet A., Solkner J., Stalhammar H., Zelenika D., Zhang Z., Leeb T., Georges M., Charlier C., Serial translocation by means of circular intermediates underlies colour sidedness in cattle, Nature. 482 (2012) 81-84. (IF=38.597)
15).Dupuis M.C., Zhang Z., Durkin K., Charlier C., Lekeux P., Georges M., Detection of copy number variants in the horse genome and examination of their association with recurrent laryngeal neuropathy, Anim Genet. 44 (2013) 206-208. (IF=2.584)
16).Dupuis M.C., Zhang Z., Druet T., Denoix J.M., Charlier C., Lekeux P., Georges M., Results of a haplotype-based GWAS for recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in the horse, Mamm Genome. 22 (2011) 613-620. (IF=2.419)
17).Blard G., Zhang Z., Coppieters W., Georges M., Identifying cows with subclinical mastitis by bulk single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping of tank milk, J Dairy Sci. 95 (2012) 4109-4113. (IF=2.566)
18).Ren J., Mao H., Zhang Z., Xiao S., Ding N., Huang L., A 6-bp deletion in the TYRP1 gene causes the brown colouration phenotype in Chinese indigenous pigs, Heredity (Edinb). 106 (2011) 862-868. (IF=4.11)
19).Li K., Ren J., Xing Y., Zhang Z., Ma J., Guo Y., Huang L., Quantitative trait loci for litter size and prenatal loss in a White Duroc x Chinese Erhualian resource population, Anim Genet. 40 (2009) 963-966. (IF=2.584)
20).Yang G., Ren J., Zhang Z., Huang L., Genetic evidence for the introgression of Western NR6A1 haplotype into Chinese Licha breed associated with increased vertebral number, Anim Genet. 40 (2009) 247-250. (IF=2.584)
21).Yang Z.Q., Ren J., Zhang Z.Y., Chen C.Y., [Genetic variation and association of prostaglandin F2alpha receptor (PTGFR) gene with sow maternal behaviors in a White Duroc x Erhualian resource population], Yi Chuan. 32 (2010) 1147-1152.
22).Ren J., Duan Y., Qiao R., Yao F., Zhang Z., Yang B., Guo Y., Xiao S., Wei R., Ouyang Z., Ding N., Ai H., Huang L., A missense mutation in PPARD causes a major QTL effect on ear size in pigs, PLoS Genet. 7 (2011) e1002043. (IF=8.517)
23).Yan X.M., Ren J., Huang X., Zhang Z.Y., Ouyang J., Zeng W.H., Zou Z.Z., Yang S.J., Yang B., Huang L.S., Comparison of production traits between pigs with and without the Escherichia coli F4 receptors in a White Duroc x Erhualian intercross F2 population, J Anim Sci. 87 (2009) 334-339. (IF=2.093,农林科学类2区)
24).Chen C., Guo Y., Yang G., Yang Z., Zhang Z., Yang B., Yan X., Perez-Enciso M., Ma J., Duan Y., Brenig B., Huang L., A genome wide detection of quantitative trait loci on pig maternal infanticide behavior in a large scale White Duroc x Erhualian resource population, Behav Genet. 39 (2009) 213-219. (IF=2.606)
25).Ouyang J., Zeng W., Ren J., Yan X., Zhang Z., Yang M., Han P., Huang X., Ai H., Huang L., Association of B3GNT5 polymorphisms with susceptibility to ETEC F4ab/ac in the white Duroc x Erhualian intercross and 15 outbred pig breeds, Biochem Genet. 50 (2012) 19-33. (IF=0.938)
26).Guo T., Ren J., Yang K., Ma J., Zhang Z., Huang L., Quantitative trait loci for fatty acid composition in longissimus dorsi and abdominal fat: results from a White Duroc x Erhualian intercross F2 population, Anim Genet. 40 (2009) 185-191. (IF=2.584)
27).Yang S., Ren J., Yan X., Huang X., Zou Z., Zhang Z., Yang B., Huang L., Quantitative trait loci for porcine white blood cells and platelet-related traits in a White Duroc x Erhualian F resource population, Anim Genet. 40 (2009) 273-278. (IF=2.584)
28).Zhang B., Ren J., Yan X., Huang X., Ji H., Peng Q., Zhang Z., Huang L., Investigation of the porcine MUC13 gene: isolation, expression, polymorphisms and strong association with susceptibility to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F4ab/ac, Anim Genet. 39 (2008) 258-266. (IF=2.584)
29).Zou Z., Ren J., Yan X., Huang X., Yang S., Zhang Z., Yang B., Li W., Huang L., Quantitative trait loci for porcine baseline erythroid traits at three growth ages in a White Duroc x Erhualian F(2) resource population, Mamm Genome. 19 (2008) 640-646. (IF=2.419)
30).Ji H., Ren J., Yan X., Huang X., Zhang B., Zhang Z., Huang L., The porcine MUC20 gene: molecular characterization and its association with susceptibility to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F4ab/ac, Mol Biol Rep. 38 (2011) 1593-1601. (IF=2.5.6)
31).Sartelet A., Druet T., Michaux C., Fasquelle C., Geron S., Tamma N., Zhang Z., Coppieters W., Georges M., Charlier C., A splice site variant in the bovine RNF11 gene compromises growth and regulation of the inflammatory response, PLoS Genet. 8 (2012) e1002581. (IF=8.517)
32).Guo Y., Mao H., Ren J., Yan X., Duan Y., Yang G., Ren D., Zhang Z., Yang B., Ouyang J., Brenig B., Haley C., Huang L., A linkage map of the porcine genome from a large-scale White Duroc x Erhualian resource population and evaluation of factors affecting recombination rates, Anim Genet. 40 (2009) 47-52. (IF=2.584)
1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,利用高覆盖度甲基化测序技术系统解析猪时序特异、品种特异、组织特异的甲基化基因,31760656,38万元,2018/01-2021/12,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目,全基因组重测序关联分析定位猪阴囊疝疾病易感位点,31640046,15万元,2017/01-2017/12,已结题,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,猪7号染色体上影响料肉比主效QTL的分子机理,31460590,55万元,2015/01-2018/12,已结题,参与
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31402058,构建猪基因组的重组热点图谱及重组热点相关PRDM9基因的研究,2015/01-2017/12,25万元,已结题,参与
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31402100,烟酸调控湘中黑牛肌内脂肪(IMF)沉积的机理研究,31402100,24万元,2015/01-2017/12,已结题,参与
6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,解析猪外耳面积因果突变PPARD G32E的分子机理,31301950,2014/01-2016/12,23万元,已结题,参与
7. 国家自然科学青年科学基金项目,31200926,解析猪16号染色体上影响肌肉饱和脂肪酸含量(C20:0)主效QTL的分子遗传机理,2013/01-2015/12,21万元,已结题,主持
8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31101697,猪15号染色体上显著影响肉PH值的父本印迹基因的精细定位于鉴别,2012/01-2014/12,25万元,已结题,参与。