主要研究方向: 分子病毒学与免疫学领域的研究工作,(1)猪传染性腹泻等动物病毒的分子流行病学、病毒多样性及进化、发病机制;(2)人畜共患病毒性疾病(包括禽流感),病毒与宿主相互作用,病毒的复制和跨种传播,致病性、病毒毒力因子;(3)病毒基因工程疫苗的分子设计和创制;(4)病毒宏基因组学、新病原的分离、鉴定及新诊断方法研发。
现是美国病毒学学会会员(American Society for Virology, ASV);美国微生物学学会会员(American Society for Microbiology, ASM);美国动物疾病研究工作者学会会员(Conference of Research Worker in Animal Diseases, CRWAD);美国科学促进协会会员(American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS);中国动物科学与动物医学学会,解剖与组织学分会会员,理事;江西省畜牧兽医协会会员,副理事长;江西省解剖学会第七届理事会理事;中国动物科学与动物医学学会、生物技术分会会员;中国动物科学与动物医学学会、实验动物学分会会员
1. Fanfan Zhang, Yu Ye, Yuxin Tang*, et al. A simple and rapid identification method for newly emerged porcine deltacoronaviruswith loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Biological Research.
2. Xinrong Zhou, Tiansheng Zhang, Deping Song, Tao Huang, Qi Peng, Yanjun Chen, Anqi Li, Fanfan Zhang, Qiong Wu, Yu Ye, Yuxin Tang*. Comparison and Evaluation of Conventional RT-PCR, SYBR Green I and TaqMan Real-time RT-PCR Assays for the Detection of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus. Molecular and cellular probes
3. Song D, Huang D, Peng Q, Y. Tang*et al. Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Viruses Associated with Outbreaks of Severe Diarrhea in Piglets in Jiangxi, China 2013. [J]. PLoS One, 2015,10(3):e120310
4. Song D, Zhou X, Peng Q, Y. Tang*, et al. Newly Emerged Porcine Deltacoronavirus Associated With Diarrhoea in Swine in China: Identification, Prevalence and Full-Length Genome Sequence Analysis. [J]. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (2015)
5. Peng Q, Song D, Huang D, Chen Y, Zhou X, Zhang F, Li A, Wu Q, He H, Tang Y*.
Full-length genome sequence of a variant porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strain, CHGDZQ2014, responsible for a severe outbreak of diarrhea in piglets in Guangdong, China, 2014. Genome Announc 0(999):e01580-16.
6. Xinrong Zhou1, Tiansheng Zhang1, Deping Song1, Tao Huang1 Qi Peng1, Yanjun Chen1, Anqi Li1, Fanfan Zhang1, Qi Wu1, Yu Ye1, Yuxin Tang#,1,Whole-Genome Sequence of a Duck Tembusu Virus Strain, DTMUV/CH/2014 Isolated in China. Geno A.
7. Tang, Y., M. Quintana, T. Li, D. Sauls, C. Zhang, and J. Lynch. Molecular Genotyping of Dengue Virus (DENV) types 2 and 4 from the Guatemalan and Honduran Epidemics of 2007 using the Envelope Glycoprotein Gene.2011, Virus Genes. Apr; 42(2): 200-3. 2011.
8. Marli S.P. Azevedo, Anastasia Vlasova, Hugo Resque, Yuxin Tang, Bror Morein, Karin Lovgren-Bentsson, and Linda J Saif. Effects of PolyIC or rIFN- on the Th1/Th2/Th3 cytokine responses of gnotobiotic pigs inoculated with a rotavirus virus-like-particles (VLP) vaccine. Ready for submission.9
9. Tang, Y., Prinyada Rodpradit, Piyawan Chinnawirotpisan, Mammen P Mammen Jr, Tao Li, Julia Lynch, Robert Putnak and Chunlin Zhang. Comparative analysis of full-length genomic sequences of 10 dengue virus type 1 strains associated with different genotypes, epidemics and disease severity isolated in Thailand over 22 years. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 83(5), 1156–1165. 2010.
10.Kwonil Jung, Gourapura J Renukaradhya, Konstantin P Alekseev, Ying Fang, Yuxin Tang, and Linda J Saif.Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus modifies innate immunity and alters disease outcome in pigs subsequently infected with porcine respiratory coronavirus: implications for respiratory viral co-infections. J Gen Virol first published on August 5, 2009 as doi: 10.1099/vir.0.014001-0.
11. Ashraf, S., Y. Tang, and Y. M. Saif .Development of differential RT-PCR assays and molecular characterization of the complete VP1 gene of five strains of Very Virulent Infectious bursal disease virus.Avian Dis., 51:935-941. 2007.
12. Zhang, X., M. Hasoksuz, D. Spiro, R. Halpin, S. Wang, S. Stollar, D. Janies, N. Hadya, Y. Tang, E. Ghedin, and L. Saif.Complete Genomic Sequences, a Key Residue in the Spike Protein and Deletions in Non-Structural Protein 3b of US Strains of the Virulent and Attenuated Coronaviruses, Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus and Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus.Virology. 358:424-435. 2007.
13. Tang, Y., M. V. Murgia, L. Ward, and Y. M. Saif.Pathogenicity of Two Turkey Astrovirus Isolates. Avian Dis. 50:526-531. 2006.
14. Tang, Y., M. V. Murgia, and Y. M. Saif.Molecular Characterization of the Capsid Gene of Two Serotypes of Turkey Astroviruses. Avian Dis. 49:514-519. 2005.
15. Tang, Y., C. W. Lee, Y. Zhang, D. A. Senne, R. Dearth, B. Byrum, D. Perez, D. L. Suarez, and Y. M. Saif.Isolation and Characterization of H3N2 Influenza A Virus from Turkeys. Avian Dis., 49:207-213.2005.
16. Tang, Y., Q. Wang, and Y. M. Saif.Development of A ssRNA Internal Control Template Reagent for a Multiplex RT-PCR to Detect Turkey Astroviruses.J. Virol Methods. Vol:126 Issue: 1-2, pp81-86, 2005.
17. Tang, Y., M. M. Ismail, and Y. M. Saif.Development of Antigen-Capture Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and RT-PCR for Detection of Turkey Astroviruses.Avian Dis., 49:182-188. 2005.
18. Tang, Y., and Y. M. Saif.Antigenicity of Two Turkey Astrovirus Isolates. Avian Dis., 48: 896-901. 2004.