2024.12-至今, 江西农业大学 动物科学技术学院水产教研室,副教授
2022.08-2024.12,江西农业大学 动物科学技术学院水产教研室,讲师
2018.08-2022.06,中国海洋大学 农业农村部水产动物营养与饲料重点实验室,博士后,水产(海水鱼脂类营养代谢及调控方向),导师:艾庆辉教授
2013.09-2018.06,华东师范大学,博士,动物学(水生动物营养代谢与调控方向), 导师:杜震宇教授
讲授水产专业本科生课程《养殖水域生态学》、《水产专业英语》、《计算机在专业上的应用》、《大学生职业发展与就业指导》、《观赏鱼类养殖学》、《鱼类行为生态学》和研究生课程《渔业生态环境与控制技术》等7门专业课程。并开设国内中西部高校首批海洋类通识教育课程《海洋,海鲜与国家发展》。获学院青年教师教学比赛二等奖1次。目前已指导一届本科毕业设计5人次,其中2人分别考上厦门大学、海南大学研究生。担任江农水产2302班班主任以来,开创多项育人新模式,开展6次以“学习优秀 成为优秀”为主题的和2次以“一舍一鱼”科普汇报为主题的综合素质提升班会,共邀请61位知名高校优秀学子和青年才俊云端授课、指导和交流。
1. Li J.M., Wu S.S., Xiong L.F, Xu J.G., Kumar V., Peng M.. Effects of dietary metformin on growth performance, liver function and glucose metabolism of rice field eel fed high carbohydrate diets. Aquaculture Reports, 36 (2024) 102148.
2. Deng Y., Li J.M.(共一), Wu S.S., Fang P., Lei W. , Huanhuan Huo H.H., Peng M.. The regulation of AMPK pathway in liver abnormal lipid deposition caused by high carbohydrate diet in rice field eel. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 310 (2024) 115946.
3. Lei W., Li J.M.(共一), Fang P., Wu S.S., Deng Y., Luo A., He Z.W., Peng M.. Effects of dietary bile acids on growth performance, lipid deposition, and intestinal health of rice field eel (Monopterus albus) fed with high-lipid diets. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2023(2023)3321734.
4. Wu S.S., Li J.M.(共一), Deng Y., Fang P., Lei W., Luo A., He Z.W., Xiong L.F., Yang G., Kumar V., Peng M.. Effects of apple polyphenols and taurine on growth performance, tissue morphology, and lipid and glucose metabolism in rice field eel (Monopterus albus) fed high oxidized fish oil. Aquaculture Nutrition 2023(2023)4912141.
5. Li J.M., Fang P., Yi X.W., Kumar V., Peng M.. Probiotics Bacillus cereus and B. subtilis reshape the intestinal microbiota of Pengze crucian carp (Carassius auratus var. Pengze) fed with high plant protein diets. Frontiers in Nutrition 9(2022)1027641.
6. Li J.M., Zhang Z., Kong A.D., Lai W.C., Xu W.X., Cao X.F., Zhao M.X., Li J.B., Shentu J.K., Mai K.S., Ai Q.H.. Dietary L-carnitine regulates liver lipid metabolism via simultaneously activating fatty acid β-oxidation and suppressing endoplasmic reticulum stress in large yellow croaker fed with high-fat diets. British Journal of Nutrition, 129(2023)29–40.
7. Li J.M., Xu W.X., Lai W.C.; Kong A.D., Zhang Z., Pang Y.N., Wang Z., Shentu J.K., Wu X.F., Mai K.S., Ai Q.H. Effect of dietary methionine on growth performance, lipid metabolism and antioxidant capacity of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) fed with high lipid diets. Aquaculture, 536(2021)736388.
8. Li J.M., Li L.Y., Zhang Y.X., Jiang Z.Y., Limbu S.M.,Qiao F., Degrace P., Chen L.Q., Zhang M.L., Du Z.Y. Functional differences between L- and D-carnitine in metabolic regulation evaluated using a low-carnitine Nile tilapia model. British Journal of Nutrition, 122(2019)625–638.
9. Li J.M., Li L.Y., Qin X., Degrace P., Demizieux L., Limbu S.M., Wang X., Zhang M.L., Li D.L., Du Z.Y. Inhibited carnitine synthesis causes systemic alteration of nutrient metabolism in zebrafish. Frontiers in Physiology, 9(2018)509.
10. Li J.M., Li L.Y., Qin X., Ning L.J., Lu D.L., Li D.L., Zhang M.L., Wang X. and Du Z.Y. Systemic regulation of L-carnitine in nutritional metabolism in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Scientific Reports, 7(2017) 40815.
11. 李加敏,朱嘉洁,杨崴,胡先成.河川沙塘鳢雌鱼性成熟过程中卵黄蛋白原含量变化.重庆师范大学学报. 30(2013) 17-21.
1. Dan Z.J., Jiang D.L., Zheng J.C., Tang Z.Y., Gong Y., Liu Y.T., Li J.M., Mai K.S., Ai Q.H.. Effects of dietary inorganic salts supplementation on growth performance, bone mineral deposition, intestinal morphology and immune response of turbot juveniles (Scophthalmus maximus L.) in fermented soybean meal-based diets. Aquaculture Nutrition 27(2021)2541-2554.
2. Li X.S., Chen Q.C., Li Q.F., Li J.M., Cui K., Zhang Y.Q., A.D., Zhang Y.J., Wan M., MaiK.S., Ai Q.H.. Effects of high levels of dietary linseed oil on the growth performance, antioxidant capacity, hepatic lipid metabolism, and expression of inflammatory genes in large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea). Frontiers in Physiology 12(2021)631850.
3. Pang Y.N., Xu X., Xiang X.J., Li Y.N., Zhao Z.Q., Li J.M., Gao S.N., Liu Q.D, Mai K.S., Ai Q.H.. High fat activates O-GlcNAcylation and affects AMPK/ACC pathway to regulate lipid metabolism. Nutrients 13(2021)1740.
4. Lai W.C., Xu D., Li J.M., Wang Z., Ding Y., Wang X.N., Li X.S., Xu N., Mai K.S., Ai Q.H.. Dietary polystyrene nanoplastics exposure alters liver lipid metabolism and muscle nutritional quality in carnivorous marine fish large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea). Journal of Hazardous Materials 419(2021)126454.
5. Fang W., Chen Q.C., Li J.M., Liu Y.T., Zhao Z.Q., Shen Y.N., Mai K.S., Ai Q.H.. Endoplasmic reticulum stress disturbs lipid homeostasis and augments inflammation in the intestine and isolated intestinal cells of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea). Frontiers in Immunology 12(2021)738143.
6. Li L.Y., Li J.M., Ning L.J., Lu D.L., Luo Y., Ma Q., Limbu S.M., Li D.L., Chen L.Q., Lodhi I., Degrace P., Zhang M.L., Du Z.Y.. Mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation inhibition promotes carbohydrate catabolism and protein deposition through energy homeostasis remodeling in fish. Journal of Nutrition 150(2020)2322–2335.
7. Li L.Y., Li J.M., Qiao F., Chen L.Q., Zhang M.L., Du Z.Y*. Inhibited carnitine synthesis impairs adaptation to high-fat diet in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture Reports 16(2020)100249.
8. Sun SX, Hua XM, Deng YY, Zhang YN, Li JM, Wu Z, Lim SM, Lu DS, Yin HW, Wang GQ, Waagbø R, Livar F, Zhang ML, Du ZY*. (2018) Tracking pollutants in dietary fish oil: From ocean to table. Environmental Pollution 240:733-744
9. Ning L.J., He A.Y., Lu D.L., Li J.M., Qiao F., Li D.L., Zhang M.L., Chen L.Q. and Du Z.Y. Nutritional background changes hypolipidemic effects of fenofibrate in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Scientific Reports, 7(2017) 41706.
10. Pan H., Li L.Y., Li J.M., Wang W.L., Limbu S.M., Degrace P., Li D.L., Du Z.Y. Inhibited fatty acid b-oxidation impairs stress resistance ability in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 68 (2017) 500-508.
11. Ning L.J., He A.Y., Li J.M., Lu D.L., Li L.Y., Zhang M.L., Chen L.Q. and Du Z.Y. Mechanisms and metabolic regulation of PPARα activation in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-molecular and cell biology of lipids, 1861(2016) 1036-1048.
12. He A.Y., Ning L.J., Chen L.Q., Chen Y.L., Xing Q., Li J.M., Qiao F., Li D.L., Zhang M.L. and Du Z.Y. Systemic adaptation of lipid metabolism in response to low and high-fat diet in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Physiological Reports, 3 (2015) e12485.
13. He A.Y., Liu C.Z., Chen L.Q., Ning L.J., Qin J.G., Li J.M., Zhang M.L, and Du Z.Y. "Molecular characterization, transcriptional activity and nutritional regulation of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)." General and Comparative Endocrinology, 223 (2015): 139-147.
14. 宁丽军, 李加敏, 孙胜香, 杜震宇. 鱼类脂肪酸β-氧化研究进展. 水产学报. 43(2019): 128-142.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31902379)- 心磷脂调控大黄鱼线粒体β-氧化的机制探究(2020.01-2022.12)
2. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目(32360920)-甜菜碱通过调控线粒体和内质网功能缓解高糖诱导黄鳝肝脂异常沉积的机制研究(2024.01-2027.12)
1. 国家海水鱼产业技术体系大黄鱼营养与饲料岗位(CARS-47-11)(2017.01-2020.12,2021.01-2022.12)
2. 国家重点研发计划-蓝色粮仓科技创新(2018YFD0900402)-水产动物糖和脂肪营养及调控研究(2018.12-2022.12)
3. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(U2106232)- 乙酰化修饰介导脂肪酸对海水鱼类脂代谢和炎性反应调控机制研究(2022.01-2025.12)
4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(31830102)- 鱼类脂肪分解供能关键过程及其代谢调控机制研究(2019.01-2023.12)
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31772859)- 低肉碱罗非鱼模型的建立及其能量内稳态调控机制研究(2018.01-2021.12)
6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31502179)- IGF-1高表达转基因鲫鱼分解代谢失衡的分子机制研究(2016.01-2018.12)
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31472290)- 线粒体和过氧化物酶体在鱼类脂肪酸β-氧化中的协作机制研究(2015.01-2018.12)
担任Aquaculture、Aquaculture Nutrition、Aquaculture Reports、Aquaculture Research和Fish Physiology and Biochemistry等6个专业期刊的审稿专家,并担任Frontiers in Marine Science的Guest Associate Editor
地址:江西省南昌市志敏大道1101号江西农业大学动物科学技术学院水产教研室, 330045。
QQ: 441596731.