

    谌俊,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。留学美国肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky),研究方向为猪的营养与饲料科学。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、江西省自然科学基金青年项目1项、江西省教育厅科技计划项目1项和江西农业大学人才引进启动项目1项。在Animal NutritionAntioxidantsBritish Journal of NutritionAnimal Feed Science and Technology等杂志发表学术论文40余篇。担任Biological Trace Element ResearchJournal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionAnimal Biotechnology等杂志审稿人。E-mail: junchen@jxau.edu.cn











[1] Chen, J., Z. Y. Huang, X. H. Cao, T. D. Zou, J. M. You*, W. T. Guan*. Plant-derived polyphenols in sow nutrition: an update. Animal Nutrition 2023, 12:96-107. (农林科学1区,IF2022=6.3)

[2] Chen, J., Y. Y. Xia, Y. J. Hu, X. L. Zhao, J. M. You, T. D. Zou*. A blend of formic acid, benzoic acid, and tributyrin alleviates ETEC K88-induced intestinal barrier dysfunction by regulating intestinal inflammation and gut microbiota in a murine model. International Immunopharmacology 2023, 114:109538. (医学2区,IF2022=5.6)

[3] Chen, J., X. H. Cao, Z. Y. Huang, X. P. Chen, T. D. Zou, J. M. You*. Research progress on lycopene in swine and poultry nutrition: an update. Animals 2023, 13:883. (农林科学2区,IF2022=3.0)

[4] Li, J. M., L. W. Yan, X. H. Cao, Y. M. Luo, X. T. Peng, Z. R. Wang, T. D. Zou, J. Chen*, J. M. You*. Effects of rare earth as feed additive on production performance, egg quality, serum biochemical parameters, antioxidant capacity, intestinal morphology, and gut microbiota in late-phase laying hens. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2023, 7:1155543. (农林科学2区,IF2022=4.7)

[5] Chen, J., Z. Y. Huang, X. H. Cao, X. P. Chen, T. D. Zou, J. M. You*. Plant-derived polyphenols as Nrf2 activators to counteract oxidative stress and intestinal toxicity induced by deoxynivalenol in swine: an emerging research direction. Antioxidants 2022, 11:2379. (医学2区,IF2022=7.0)

[6] Chen, J., J. M. Chen, Y. Z. Zhang, Y. T. Lv, H. Z. Qiao, M. Tian, L. Cheng, F. Chen, S. H. Zhang, W. T. Guan*. Effects of maternal supplementation with fully oxidized β-carotene on the reproductive performance and immune response of sows, as well as the growth performance of nursing piglets. British Journal of Nutrition 2021, 125:62-70. (医学3区,IF2021=4.125)

[7] Chen, J., Y. J. Wang, J. M. You, J. M. Chen, M. Tian, F. Chen, S. H. Zhang, W. T. Guan*. Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on the nutrient digestibility and ileal digesta characteristics of cannulated growing pigs fed corn- or barley-sorghum-based diets. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2021, 274:114887. (农林科学2区,IF2021=3.313)

[8] Chen, J., Y. Z. Zhang, Y. T. Lv, M. Tian, J. M. You, F. Chen, S. H. Zhang, W. T. Guan*. Effects of selenomethionine on cell viability, selenoprotein expression and antioxidant function in porcine mammary epithelial cells. Frontiers in Nutrition 2021, 8:665855. (农林科学2区,IF2021=6.590)

[9] Chen, J., J. W. Lee, H. J. Monegue, R. T. Niblett, K. Williams, M. J. Estienne, J. D. Chapman, B. D. Humphrey, M. D. Lindemann*. PSVII-3 Evaluation of dietary OmniGen-AF supplementation and PG600 injection on reproductive characteristics of gilts. Journal of Animal Science 2021, 99:441. (Abstract) (农林科学2区,IF2021=3.338)

[10] Chen, J., Y. F. Zhang, J. M. You, H. Q. Song, Y. Z. Zhang, Y. T. Lv, H. Z. Qiao, M. Tian, F. Chen, S. H. Zhang, W. T. Guan*. The effects of dietary supplementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product during late pregnancy and lactation on sow productivity, colostrum and milk composition, and antioxidant status of sows in a subtropical climate. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2020, 7: 71. (农林科学2区,IF2020=3.412)

[11] Chen, J., F. T. Zhang, W. T. Guan*, H. Q. Song, M. Tian, L. Cheng, K. Shi, J. S. Song, F. Chen, S. H. Zhang, F. Yang, C. X. Ren, Y. Z. Zhang. Increasing selenium supply for heat-stressed or actively cooled sows improves piglet preweaning survival, colostrum and milk composition, as well as maternal selenium, antioxidant status and immunoglobulin transfer. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2019, 52:89-99. (医学3区,IF2019=3.245)

[12] Chen, J., M. Tian, W. T. Guan*, T. Wen, F. Yang, F. Chen, S. H. Zhang, J. J. Song, C. X. Ren, Y. Z. Zhang, H. Q. Song. Increasing selenium supplementation to a reduced energy and protein diet improves antioxidant status and meat quality without affecting growth performance in finishing pigs. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2019, 56:38-45. (医学3区,IF2019=3.245)

[13] Chen, J., J. Guo, W. T. Guan*, J. J. Song, Z. X. Deng, L. Cheng, Y. L. Deng, F. Chen, S. H. Zhang, Y. Z. Zhang, F. Yang, C. X. Ren, C. X. Wang. Effect of pad-fan cooling and dietary organic acid supplementation during late gestation and lactation on reproductive performance and antioxidant status of multiparous sows in hot weather. Tropical Animal Health and Production 2018, 50:973-982. (农林科学4区,IF2018=1.089)

[14] Chen, J., J. H. Han, W. T. Guan*, F. Chen, C. X. Wang, Y. Z. Zhang, Y. T. Lv, G. Lin. Selenium and vitamin E in sow diets: I. Effect on antioxidant status and reproductive performance in multiparous sows. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2016, 221:111-123. (农林科学2区,IF2016=1.755)

[15] Chen, J., J. H. Han, W. T. Guan*, F. Chen, C. X. Wang, Y. Z. Zhang, Y. T. Lv, G. Lin. Selenium and vitamin E in sow diets: II. Effect on selenium status and antioxidant status of the progeny. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2016, 221:101-110. (农林科学2区,IF2016=1.755)


[1] 管武太,谌俊,张世海,陈芳. 一种提高母猪乳中抗体的复合预混料及其应用. 申请号: CN202010111105.X

[2] 管武太,张世海,陈芳,桂干北,乔汉祯,谌俊. 一种改善母猪繁殖性能和抗氧化能力的组合物及其应用. 申请号: 201710361392.8


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,32102593,基于MAPK信号通路探讨硒代蛋氨酸缓解呕吐毒素致仔猪肠道损伤的分子机制,30万,2022.01-2024.12,主持;

[2] 江西省自然科学基金青年项目,20224BAB215035Keap1-Nrf2-ARE通路介导硒代蛋氨酸缓解脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇诱导仔猪肠道损伤的机制研究,10万,2023.01-2025.12,主持;

[3] 江西省教育厅科技计划项目,GJJ200416,硒对泌乳大鼠乳腺乳脂合成的影响及其机理研究,3万,2020.12-2023.12,主持;

[4] 江西农业大学人才引进启动项目,15万,主持;

[5] 国家自然科学基金地区项目,32160806,噬菌体通过TLR4/NF-κB信号通路缓解产毒素大肠杆菌K88致仔猪肠道炎症和肠黏膜屏障损伤的作用机理,35万,2022.01-2025.12,参与;

[6] 国家自然科学基金地区项目,32360849Stat3/FGF2反馈环路响应油酸促进猪肌内脂肪形成的机制,32万,2024/01-2027/12,参与;

[7] 江西省重点研发计划“揭榜挂帅”项目,20223BBF61018,生猪饲料减粮替抗关键技术研发与产业化应用,100万,2022.12-2025.12,参与;

[8] 江西省重点研发计划项目,20224BBF61029,调控仔猪肠道健康的噬菌体裂解酶关键技术研发与应用,100万,2022.12-2025.12,参与。