

陈从英,197510月生,男汉族江西石城人,博士,研究员,江西农业大学首席教授,博士研究生指导老师,德国哥廷根大学、英国剑桥大学联合培养博士,瑞典乌普萨拉大学访问学者。先后入选江西省新世纪百千万人才工程人选,江西省青年科学家培养对象、江西省赣鄱英才555工程青年拔尖人才。主要从事猪肠道菌群与宿主基因互作研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项、国家863计划子课题1项、江西省自然科学基金等省部级项目4项,作为学术骨干先后参与国家级科研项目10余项。累计发表学术论文60余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications》、《Microbiome》、《Frontiers in MicrobiologySCI刊物上发表论文35篇。作为主要参与者国家教学成果二等奖、国家科技进步二等奖、江西省科技进步一等奖、江西省科技进步二等奖农业部优秀创新团队奖1


2013.10-2014.9: 瑞典Uppsala大学,访问学者;


2005.1-2006.2:英国剑桥大学,访问博士生(visiting Ph.D. student)




2014. 11-至今:江西农业大学,研究员;

2008. 11-2014.10: 江西农业大学,副研究员;





1) Congying Chen1, Yunyan Zhou1, Hao Fu, Xinwei Xiong, Shaoming Fang, Hui Jiang, Jingyuan Wu, Hui Yang, Jun Gao, Lusheng Huang. Enhanced catalogs of microbial genes and metagenome-assembled genomes from the pig gut microbiome. Nature Communications, 2021, 12: 1106.

2) Congying Chen a 1†, Shaoming Fang a 1,3, Hong Wei2, Maozhang He1, Hao Fu1, Xinwei Xiong1, Yunyan Zhou1, Jingyuan Wu1, Jun Gao1, Hui Yang1, Lusheng Huang1†Prevotella copri increases fat accumulation in pigs fed by formula diets. Microbiome, 2021, 9:175.

3Jia Zhang†, Min Liu†, Shanlin Ke, Xiaochang Huang, Shaoming Fang, Maozhang He, Hao Fu, Congying Chen*, Lusheng Huang*. Gut and vagina microbiota associated with estrus return of weaning sows and its correlation with the changes of serum metabolites. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12:690091.

4Hao Fu, Maozhang He, Jinyuan Wu, Yunyan Zhou, Shanlin Ke, Zhe Chen, Qin Liu, Min Liu, Hui Jiang, Lusheng Huang and Congying Chen*. Deeply investigating the changes of gut microbiome around parturition and its correlation with the shifts of host serum metabolome in sows. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12:729039.

5) Jinyuan Wu*, Min Liu, Mengqing Zhou, Lin Wu, Hui Yang, Lusheng Huang, Congying Chen*. Isolation and genomic characterization of five novel strains of Erysipelotrichaceae from commercial pigs. BMC Microbiology, 2021, 21:125.

6) Hui Jiang, Shaoming Fang, Hui Yang*, Congying Chen*. Identification of the relationship between the gut microbiome and feed efficiency in a commercial pig cohort. Journal of Animal Science, 2021, 99(3): 1-11.

7) Zhong Wang1, Hao Fu1, Yunyan Zhou1, Min Yan1, Dong Chen1, Ming Yang2, Shijun Xiao1Congying Chen1*, Lusheng Huang1*. Identification of the gut microbiota biomarkers associated with heat cycle and failure to enter oestrus in gilts. Microbial Biotechnology, 2020 Dec 11. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.13695.

8) Qianyong Yang, Hao Chen, Junhua Ye, Chenlong Liu, Rongxing Wei, Congying Chen*, Lusheng Huang*. Genetic diversity and signatures of selection in 15 Chinese indigenous dog breeds revealed by genome-wide SNPs. Frontiers in Genetics, 2019, 10:1174.

9) Xiaochang Huang, Jun Gao, Yuanzhang Zhao, Maozhang He, Shanlin Ke, Jinyuan Wu, Yunyan Zhou, Hao Fu, Hui Yang, Congying Chen*, Lusheng Huang*. Dramatic remodeling of the gut microbiome around parturition and its relationship with host serum metabolic changes in sows. Frontiers in microbiology2019, 10: 2123.

10) Maozhang He, Jinyuan Wu, Yunyan Zhou, Hao Fu, Xiaochang Huang, Shaoming Fang, Shanlin Ke, Jun Gao, Hui Yang, Congying Chen*(co-corresponding author), Lusheng Huang*. Host gender and androgen levels regulate gut bacterial taxa in pigs leading to sex-biased serum metabolite profiles. Frontiers in microbiology2019, 10:1359.

11) Shanlin Ke, Shaoming Fang, Maozhang He, Xiaochang Huang, Hui Yang, Bin Yang, Congying Chen*(co-corresponding author), Lusheng Huang*. Age-based dynamic changes of phylogenetic composition and interaction networks of health pig gut microbiome feeding in a uniformed condition, BMC Veterinary Research2019, 15:172.

12) Hui Yang, Ming Yang, Shaoming Fang, Xiaochang Huang, Maozhang He, Shanlin Ke, Jun Gao, Jinyuan Wu, Yunyan Zhou, Hao Fu, Congying Chen*(corresponding author), Lusheng Huang. Evaluating the profound effect of gut microbiome on host appetite in pigs. BMC microbiology2018, 18:215.

13) Congying Chen*1, Chenlong Liu1, Xingwei Xiong, Shaoming Fang, Hui Yang, Zhiyan Zhang, Jun Ren, Yuanmei Guo, Lusheng Huang*. Copy number variation in the MSRB3 gene enlarges porcine ear size through a mechanism involving miR5845pGenetics Selection Evolution2018, 50:72.

14) Congying Chen*, Xiaochang Huang, Shaoming Fang, Hui Yang, Maozhang He, Yuanzhang Zhao, Lusheng Huang*. Contribution of Host Genetics to the Variation of Microbial Composition of Cecum Lumen and Feces in Pigs. Frontiers in microbiology2018, 9:2626.

15) Xiaochang Huang, Shaoming Fang, Hui Yang, Jun Gao, Maozhang He, Shanlin Ke, Congying Chen*(co-corresponding author), Lusheng Huang*. Evaluating the contribution of gut microbiome to porcine serum glucose and lipids using 16S rRNA gene-based association study. Scientific Reports2017, 7: 14928

16) Hui Yang1, Xiaochang Huang1, Shaoming Fang1, Maozhang He1, Yuanzhang Zhao1, Zhenfang Wu2, Ming Yang2, Zhiyan Zhang1, Congying Chen*1(co-corresponding author), Lusheng Huang*1. Unraveling the fecal microbiota and functional capacity of metagenomics associated with feed efficiency in pigs. Frontiers in microbiology2017, 8: 1555.

17) Shaoming Fang, Xingwei Xiong, Ying Su, Lusheng Huang*, Congying Chen*(co-corresponding author).16S rRNA gene-based association study identified microbial taxa associated with pork intramuscular fat content in feces and cecum lumenBMC microbiology2017, 17 (1): 162.

2. 发明专利


2. 黄路生,陈从英,熊信威、方绍明,宿英,提高肌内脂肪含量和改善猪肉品质的MYH4基因及其在猪遗传改良中的应用,专利号:ZL 2017 1 0406485.8

3. 学术奖励情况

1) 猪重要经济性状功能基因的分离、克隆及应用研究国家科技进步二等奖(2005 年,排名第7)。

2)猪重要经济性状功能基因的分离、克隆及应用研究江西省科技进步一等奖(2004 年,排名第7)

3) 胚胎移植及性别控制技术的优化及其在优质奶、肉牛高效生产中应用,江西省科技进步二等奖(2007年,排名第4)

4) 农业部优秀创新团队奖(等同于科研成果一等奖)( 2013年,排名第四)

5) 中国侨界贡献奖(创新人才奖,2016年)。

6) 新时代动物科技类五有创新人才培养模式的构建与实践,国家级教学成果二等奖(2018,排名12)


1. 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(2021),省部共建猪遗传改良与养殖技术国家重点实验室猪肠道 菌群代谢组图谱构建,项目编号:20212ZDD02007, 2021.07-2021.12,支持人。



4国家863计划子课题猪经济性状的功能基因组学研究,项目编号:2013AA102502, 2013.1-2017.12,主持人。(已结题)


